quiz 7 heads up

Found my archived notes, posted a presentation (we will go over it agian on tuesday): https://cmpe080n-spring16-01.courses.soe.ucsc.edu/system/files/secure-attachments/networkconcepts.pdf   (also listed with lab 7 material).


In addition, look at 'life-in-packet.pdf', presented during lab 5 material.


Since this lab is not conducive to quiz material, we will be tested on :

Network protocols and tools.    This is summarized in 'networkconcepts.pdf' (with lab 7 material), as well as help explain the networking commands you are using for lab 7.

Understand the encapsulation/decapsulation of a L2/L3 packet.   This is summarized in 'life-in-packet.pdf' (lab 5 material).


We will do another review on the upcoming tuesday session.


Heads up: Next lab, is all network simulator.    In class we will be learning L2/L3/L4 NAT/PAT (address translations), and our quiz will be based upon that.

Its 70% identical to the L2/L3 packet identification.   By identification, I mean, see a packet, and know what the correct layer 2, 3 (and for next week, layer 4) addresses.